• Accessories
  • Sneak Peek - New PenGems Colors

    PenGems Custom Color Pen Barrels
    One of the best things about PenGems, besides the sparkling crystals, is that we can create custom crystal pen colors, based on your feedback. You asked for more pastels, specifically mint, and burgundy...and they're almost ready. This is your sneak peek. These new colors will bring our total color library to an amazing 44 colors!
    The picture above shows the finished barrels of 8 new colors. The pastel colors will be topped with Aurora Borealis crystals that act as prisms, casting a rainbow of colors when the sun hits them. The dark red, brown, and nude will round out our current lineup of neutral colors. 
    As soon as these colorful pen barrels get matched to their crystal tops, they'll be available in the shop. Our VIP newsletter members will get first dibs, so make sure you're on the list. You can sign up here: PenGems VIP Newletter Signup
    We cannot wait for this color lineup, and I'm sure you'll love them,too.
    If you have any other color ideas, please let us know!
    Angel Signature