Scroll down, it's at the bottom of this page. Include as much information as you can, but only those fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Please add a photo or short video of the problem, up to 10MB, if you can.
*Jump to Intake FormOur pens have a lifetime guarantee, and we have a pen hospital - it's a perfect match.
Here's how it works:
Scroll down, it's at the bottom of this page. Include as much information as you can, but only those fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Please add a photo or short video of the problem, up to 10MB, if you can.
*Jump to Intake FormOur pen doctors will review the information you submitted. They'll reply to you within one business day to give you options for the repair, so you can decide if you want to go ahead with pen surgery.
We'll send you the address and you can send your pen to us. Please use a bubble mailer to make sure it doesn't get damaged further on the way.
When we receive your pen, we'll admit it to the Pen Hospital and schedule surgery. This may take a day or two, but we'll keep in touch with you during the process. Don't worry, your pens are in good hands!
After successful surgery, we'll send your pen right back to you. Return shipping is on us!
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